Today I Remember - JMP Chat SMS Service
Recently I was curious about automating SMS. I really hate spam messages and wanted to distance my personal number from, well, not too privacy friendly services. While trialling digital SMS providers. I came across a myriad of issues. The issues almost always stem when receiving messages. The biggest issue of them all I found was receiving from short codes.
Short code numbers are the types of numbers you receive messages from when you get SMS/MMS marketing. Or when you receive one time passcodes or two-factor authentication messages. This makes it quite hard to use these digital numbers functionally. I mean, I understand why they do this, as people would abuse their service. But it really is not useful to the average privacy concious user.
After a lot of searching around the internet. I came across JMP Chat1, it is fantastic. A little rough around the edges still. But the service is very easy to use. You can have multiple numbers for an affordable price and abstract everything using Jabber2. Or a number of other instant messaging solutions. It really does feel like they care about privacy and transparency.
In summary, the service is worth checking out. I would absolutely recommend.